ONLINE SHOPPING The internet has generated many changes in our lives. It has changed the way we communicate and access information. The internet also has changed the way we buy things. In today’s life, online shopping is growing rapidly. It has become a new culture in every country. Buying things online is very easy. The only thing to do is to go to a certain website, which sells the product you need. The search engine on the web also enables us to find things fast with various choices. After the product is chosen and the payment is made, the online shopper should only wait for three to five days until the thing purchased comes to his/her door. Another good advantage of online shopping is that things may be cheaper than in real stores. In the other hand, online shopper should be careful in choosing products. Sometimes, you do not get what you need. Another big problem is the quality of the things can be less than similar items in real stores. That’s the reason why online shoppers must thoroughly check products offered. 3. What does the text mainly talk about? 4. How can online shoppers choose products? They have to . .

Jawaban 1


3. Internet has produced many changes in our life. It has changed the way we communicate and access information. The internet has also changed the way we buy things. In today's life, online shopping is booming. It has become a new culture in every country.

bahasa Indonesia :

Internet telah menghasilkan banyak perubahan dalam hidup kita. Itu telah mengubah cara kita berkomunikasi dan mengakses informasi. Internet juga telah mengubah cara kita membeli barang. Dalam kehidupan sekarang ini, belanja online sedang berkembang pesat. Ini telah menjadi budaya baru di setiap negara.

4. Buying goods online is very easy. The only thing that has to be done is to go to a specific website, which sells the product you need. Search engines on the web also allow us to quickly find something with a variety of options. After the product is selected and payment is made, the online shopper only waits for three to five days for the purchased item to come to his door.

bahasa Indonesia :

Membeli barang secara online sangatlah mudah. Satu-satunya hal yang harus dilakukan adalah pergi ke situs web tertentu, yang menjual produk yang Anda butuhkan. Mesin pencari di web juga memungkinkan kita menemukan sesuatu dengan cepat dengan berbagai pilihan. Setelah produk dipilih dan pembayaran dilakukan, pembelanja online hanya menunggu selama tiga sampai lima hari sampai barang yang dibeli datang ke pintunya.

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