11. The Bank is ...... .... the hotel12. The mosque is................. the bank 13. What is the meaning of T-Junction? 14. What is the meaning of Crossroad?​tolong lah kakak besok mau dikumpulkan

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Jawaban 2


11. The bank is across the hotel (bank berada di seberang hotel

12. The mosque is beside the bank (museum itu berada di sebelah bank)

13. Crossroad adalah persimpangan jalan


1. the bank is across the hotel

2. the mosque is besides the bank

3. T junction : a road junction in which one road joins another at right angles but does not cross it. (in bahasa we say : pertigaan)

4. crossroad : a road that crosses a main road or runs cross-country between main roads (in bahasa we say : perempatan)

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