Bidang studi:
B. inggrisPenulis:
1 tahun laluJawaban:
Bagas: Hi! Is seat beside you empty? (Hai! Bangku sebelah kamu kosong, nggak?)
Rendy: Yes, it’s empty. You can sit here. (Iya kosong. Kamu bisa duduk disini)
Bagas: Thank you. Oh right, my name is Bagas. Nice to meet you. (Terima kasih. Oh iya, namaku Bagas. Senang bertemu denganmu)
Rendy: I’m Rendy. Nice to meet you too, Bagas. (Aku Ken. Senang bertemu denganmu juga, Bagas)
Bagas: You came early, Rendy. Is your place near the college? (Kamu datang cepat, Ken. Kamu tinggal dekat kampus?)
Rendy: No, it’s the opposite. I live in my home at Bogor. I need two hours commuting to the college, so I came early because I don’t wanna late. (Enggak, kebalikannya malah. Aku tinggal di rumahku di Bogor. Perjalananku ke kampus butuh dua jam, jadi aku datang cepat soalnya nggak mau telat)
Bagas: Wow, two hours? That’s amazing. Isn’t that tiring? (Wah, dua jam? Mantap banget. Nggak capek?)
Rendy: It’s super tiring. I’m thinking to rent a room near college, but I still can’t find the fitted one. (Capek banget. Aku mau ngekos dekat kampus, tapi belum nemu yang cocok)
Bagas: Oh, I’m living in a rent room near college. Do you want to see? I think there are some vacant rooms. (Oh, aku ngekos dekat kampus. Kamu mau lihat kosanku? Kayaknya ada kamar kosong, deh)
Rendy: That’s a good idea. When can we see it? (Itu ide bagus. Kita bisa lihat kapan?)
Bagas: I think we can today or tomorrow. (Kayaknya bisa hari ini atau besok)
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