Baca teks di gambar untuk menjawab!22. Why did Mr. Krick write the letter?A. To apply for a job.B. To introduce himself to Taylor.C. To explain his educational background.D. To ask for some information.E. To explain some information23. How does Mr. Krick know the vacancy?A. From the radio.B. From a colleague.C. From a newspaper.D. From the television.E. From magazine24. What will the Human Resources Directorprobably do after reading the letter?A. Evaluate the salary offeredB. Start working at Taylor, Inc.C. Promote Mr. Krick to be a manager.D. Ask Mr. Krick to come for an interviewE. Ask information about Mr. Krick25. What is the synonym of the word ‘fresh’?A. OldB. NewC. UrgentD. PresentE. Now​

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22. A23. C24. D25. B

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