tari jaipong Kesenian ini merupakan kreasi dari Gugum Gumbira, seorang seniman asal Bandung. Dalam buku Asal Usul dan Perkembangan Jaipongan Dewasa Ini di Jawa Barat dijelaskan, Jaipongan juga merupakan genre tari sekaligus sebutan untuk karya-karya dari Gugum Gumbira Tirasondjaja sejak tahun 1976 hingga sekarang.
the professor answered......(l) question in a very rude way. 2.dont't tell.......(l) what.......(l) should do 3 please, leave......(l) alone. l'm fed up with......(you) constant complaining 4. l passed my driving test and Danny congratulated..........(l) 5.berofe l employ you, l must watch how........(you cooperate with others 6.theee is no need for......(you) to come.gina can make a decision.....(she). 7.this song has been weitten for....(she). 8.don't tire....(you). go and rest for a while. 9.tell him l love.......(he),but l know....(he) doesn't love......(l). 10can you hand.......(l) a drink? bantu kack