Look at the family tree and complete the table:
- Mother >< ........
- ......... >< Brother
- Grandmother >< .....................
- .............. >< Son
- Aunt >< ...............
- Granddaughter >< ......................
- Niece >< ............
- .......... >< Cousin
- .......... >< Husband
These are the answers for that table:
- Mother >< Father
- Sister >< Brother
- Grandmother >< Grandfather
- Daughter >< Son
- Aunt >< Uncle
- Granddaughter >< Grandson
- Niece >< Nephew
- Cousiness >< Cousin
- Wife >< Husband
Look at the family tree and complete the sentences:
- Mary and Ed are Jim’s: daughter and son.
- Sarah is Ed’s: wife.
- Larry is Mary’s: husband.
- Ed is Tony’s: father.
- Marry is Emma’s: mother.
- Emma is Jacob’s: sister.
- Jacob is Emma’s: brother.
- Ed is Mary’s: brother.
- Jim and Boss are Tony’s: grandfather and grandmother.
- Emma and Jacob are Jim’s: granddaughter and grandson.
- Emma is Jim’s: granddaughter.
- Tony is Jim’s: grandson.
- Jim is Tommy’s: grandfather.
- Boss is Tommy’s: grandmother.
- Mary is Tony’s: aunt.
- Ed is Emma’s: uncle.
- Tony is Emma’s: cousin.
- Emma is Ed’s: niece.
- Tommy is Mary’s: nephew.
- Larry is Jim’s: son-in-law.
- Sarah is Jim’s: daughter-in-law.
- Jim is Sarah’s: father-in-law.
- Boss is Sarah’s: mother-in-law.
- Larry is Ed’s: brother-in-law.
- Sarah is Mary’s: sister-in-law.
- Tony and Tommy are the same age. They’re: twins.
Family tree atau pohon keluarga merupakan silsilah dari sebuah keluarga yang digambarkan dalam sebuah bagan. Dengan menggunakan family tree, hubungan antar anggota keluarga dapat diamati dengan lebih mudah.
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