Dialog 1
Riana: Hey, Rian! Are you fixing the bike yourself?
Rian: Hi, Riana! Yeah, I'm trying to. But I'm not sure whether the tire's flat or the brake doesn't work.
Riana: Hmm ... maybe you can try calling a mechanic. He will easily identify the problem and fix it.
Rian: Oh, yeah! I didn't think of that.
Riana: Do you want me to call one?
Rian: Yes, please. Thank you, Riana.
Dialog 2
Tara: Hey! Random thoughts, but have you ever thought why water is wet?
Dian: I don't know, but I don't think water is wet.
Tara: How?
Dian: Well, in order for water to get wet, it should be covered with water. It doesn't make sense that water covers itself, does it?
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