Read the following text carefully! Ki Hajar Dewantara Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat also known as Ki Hajar Dewantara is a pioneer of education for native Indonesians in Dutch colonial times. Soewardi was born on May 2, 1889 in Yogyakarta. He was from noble family. Thanks to his family's background, he was able to access the colonial public education. He graduated from ELS. Then he continued his study at STOVIA, a medical school for native students. However, he failed to graduate because of illness. Later Soewardi worked as a journalist and wrote for many newspapers. During his career in printed media, he was considered as a talented writer. His writing was popular, communicative, and yet imbued with idealism for freedom and anti-colonialism sentiment. Soewardi was also active in social and political organizations He joined Budi Utomo in 1908. Later he was invited to join the Indische Partij established by Douwes Dekker in 1912. In 1913, Soewardi wrote several critical columns. His article was considered criticizing the colonial government of Netherlands Indies. As a consequence, Soewardi was exiled to the Netherlands. During his exile. Soewardi was active in the Indonesia student's organization, Indische Vereeniging in this organization, Soewardi got an idea to improve the quality of natives by studying education. Finally he got the European certificate, a diploma in education. He was also fascinated by the ideas of Western education figures. Their thoughts contributed to Soewardi's idea for veloping t own educational system: In September 1919, Soewardi returned to Java. Then he joined his brother in establishing a school in his hometown. After getting teaching experiences, he founded the Nationaal Onderwijs Instituut Ampel. However, during the colonial social discrimination, education was only made possible for the elites, the colonial Dutch people, and Javanese noblemen families. Education was not made for the native commoners. In July 3, 1922, he established Taman Siswa. This school provided education for the native population When Soewardi was 40, he chose "Ki Hadjar Dewantara" as his new name. He also scrapped the title "Raden Mas" in front of his name. He intended to freely interact with people of all social backgrounds and to be close to them. Ki Hajar Dewantara died in Yogyakarta on April 26, 1959. In recognition for dedication in pioneering public education in Indonesia, he was declared as the Father of National Education, and his birthday is appointed as the National Education Day. Answer the following questions based on the text above! 1. Why did Soewardi not finish his study in STOVIA? 2. How was Soewardi's career in printed media? 3. Why was Soewardi exiled to Netherlands? 4. Why did Soewardi establish Taman Siswa? 5 Why did Soewardi change his name and omit his Javanese gentility title?​

Jawaban 1


1.because of his illness

2.was popular, communicative, and yet imbued with idealism for freedom and anti-colonialism sentimen

3.because His article was considered criticizing the colonial government of Netherlands Indies provided education for the native population

5. to freely interact with people of all social backgrounds and to be close to them

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