1. What is the name of the medicine? 2. What is the brand of the medicine? 3 . What is the description of the medicine? 4. Does the medicine belong to syrup? 5. For what disease is the medicine? 6. Is the medicine for the children only? 7. How many ml does a bottle contain? 8. Does the medicine feel sweet? 9. Does the medicine contain alcohol? 10. What is aspirin?​

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Jawaban 1

1. Acetaminophen.

2. Sipalas.

3. The description of the medicine is a drinkable liquid that can reduce pain and fever.

4. Yes, it is.

5. Pain reliever - Fever reliever.

6. No, it isn't.

7. 473 ml.

8. No, it isn't.

9. No, it isn't.

10. Aspirin is a chemical compound that is used for dilute the blood inside the human body.

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