what is generic structure of narrative text​

Jawaban 1


Generic structure of narrative text has four components that is orientation, complication, and resolution, Reorientation.

1. Orientation

Orientation is an opening text that introduces the characters , when it happened, and the location of the background of the incident {who, when, where}

2. Complication

Complications are located after orientation and consist of paragraphs describing the original problem. Complication is a problem that located at beginning of the storyline which continues to the conflict, climax and anticlimactic of a story.

3. Resolution

Resolution is a paragraph that becomes the end of the story, which became the completion and ends of a story. The problems that exist in a narrative text must be resolved and closed with a happy ending or even tragic or sad ending.

4. Reorientation

Reorientation is a closing sentence that tells the final state of the character in the story and there is a moral message/ lesson in a narrative story.

hope it helps


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