1. How long have Amir and Budi waited? 2. What for did Amir and Budi wait? 3. When did the new restaurant open? 4. Who told Budi that the restaurant had a delicious menu? a 5. Mention one expression of giving a suggestion from that dialogue!​

Jawaban 1


Saya tidak tahu Apakah Soal tersebut Membahas pada dialog ini, Tetapi semoga saja benar!!

Read the following dialogue and then answer the questions!

Amir: “We have been waiting nearly three quarters of an hour.”

Budi: “Yes, I think the bus will never come.”

Amir: “Would it be an idea to walk?”

Budi: “Yes, it’s a good idea.”

Amir: “Has the new restaurant opened today?”

Budi: “It has opened yesterday already. My friend told me it has a new and delicious menu.”

Amir: “Why don’t we eat there?”

Budi: “it is a wonderful idea.”


1. How long have Amir and Budi waited?

( sudah berapa lama Amir dan Budi menunggu?)

answer > They have been waiting for almost three quarters of an hour or almost 45 minutes.

2. What for did Amir and Budi wait?

(Informasi apa yang ditunggu oleh Amir dan Budi?)

answer > They were waiting for a bus.

3. When did the new restaurant open?

(kapan restoran baru yang sedang mereka bahas dibuka?)

answer > The new restaurant has opened since yesterday.undefined

4. Who told Budi that the restaurant had a delicious menu?

    (siapa yang memberi tahu Budi bahwa restoran tersebut memiliki      pilihan makanan yang enak?)

Answer > it was Budi's friend who told him that the restaurant had a delicious menu."

5. Mention one expression of giving a suggestion from that dialogue!​

    (satu contoh ungkapan yang menunjukkan ungkapan memberi saran dalam percakapan.)

answer >  "Why don’t we eat there?" Karena (ungkapan memberikan saran atau giving suggestion)

Penjelasan: Semoga benar, Semoga membantu. Thanks

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