I live in a block of flats. Our place is on the first floor—I'm happy about that, because if the lift isn't working, I can walk up the stairs. Our place is all right, but I really like my grandparent's place—It's a big house, with lots of space around it, and they've got a big garage, big enough for two cars. There's a garden at the back, with grass and a tree and flowers, and a wooden fence all the way round it. It's really nice, but unfortunately, my grandparents have got a suitcase that they use when they go on holiday, and they keep it in the garden—it looks really ugly!
Cloze Procedure atau teks rumpang adalah teks yang meminta kita untuk mengisi paragraf yang rumpang dengan kata-kata sehingga paragraf tersebut dapat dipahami. Kata yang akan digunakan untuk melengkapi teks berkaitan dengan vocabulary dan grammars. Dalam melengkapi paragraf rumpang kita harus melihat kalimat sebelum dan sesudah.
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