buat 10 kalimat materi tentang opinion and thought​

Jawaban 1

Opinion and thought​:

-Most of people do not agree with my opinion (banyak orang tidak setuju dengan pendapatku).

- Almost everyone think she is smart (hampir setiap orang berpikir bahwa dia pandai).

-In my opinion this agenda must be implemented immediately (menurut pendapatku acara ini harus segera dilaksanakan).

-I think this event is held on campus (saya pikir acara ini dilakukan di kampus)..

-I agree with your opinion (saya setuju dengan pendapatmu)

- Of course (tentu saja).

-That is a good point  (itu poin yang bagus).

- I don’t believe that (saya tidak setuju dengan itu)

- I disagree with you (saya tidak setuju dengan pendapatmu)

-  I think you are wrong (saya pikir kamu salah).


Opinions are a means to express thoughts or feelings about something. This opinion can be about a person or thing. Well, when we want to express an opinion, it is important to provide reasons or examples to strengthen our opinion.

When you want to give an opinion, or thoughts, then you have to understand first, you are giving a personal opinion (personal opinion) or general opinion (general opinion). Here's an expression you can use.

1. Expressions of General Opinions

This expression is used to give an opinion in general, or according to a general view. this general view is a counterbalance and helps to avoid absolute opinion.


a. Most of people do not agree with my opinion (banyak orang tidak setuju dengan pendapatku)

b. Almost everyone think she is smart (hampir setiap orang berpikir bahwa dia pandai)

2. Expressions of Personal Opinions

This expression is used to convey views, opinions or thoughts personally.

a. In my opinion this agenda must be implemented immediately (menurut pendapatku acara ini harus segera dilaksanakan)

b. I think this event is held on campus (saya pikir acara ini dilakukan di kampus).

3. Agreeing with an opinion

If you agree with an opinion, then you can express it as follows:


a. I agree with your opinion (saya setuju dengan pendapatmu)

b. Of course (tentu saja)

c. That is a good point  (itu poin yang bagus). etc

4. Disagreeing with an opinion

Well, if you don't agree with the opinion of your friends or other people, then you can use the following expression.

a. I don’t believe that (saya tidak setuju dengan itu)

b. I disagree with you (saya tidak setuju dengan pendapatmu)

c. I think you are wrong (saya pikir kamu salah)

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

1. Contoh percakapan asking opinion https://brainly.co.id/tugas/3190741

2. Contoh percakapan opinion https://brainly.co.id/tugas/381731

3. Perbedaan asking opinion dan giving opinion https://brainly.co.id/tugas/3059748

Detail Jawaban

Kelas: 8

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: 1

Kode: 8.5.1



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