LISTENING Listen to the text and then answer the questions. 1. What kind of subject does Tammy Turner like? Answer: When does she usually get up? Answer: 2. 3. When does Tammy do her paintings? Answer: When does Tammy go to the gallery? Answer: : What do people think about Tammy? Answer: 5 .​

Jawaban 1


Task 6 Change the Simple Present Tense into the Simple Past Tense. Do like the example! Example: Julia usually washes the dishes. = She washed the dishes yesterday. Did she wash the dishes yesterday? She didn't wash the dishes yesterday. 1. Mother usually goes to the market at five. Answer: 2 Arthur often works late. Answer: 3. Deni usually plays a kite in the field. Answer: 4. You usually listen to rock music. Answer:..... 5. Your mobile phone rings. Answer:

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